Wednesday, August 4, 2010

University of Delaware Wetlands Restoration Project

This is a picture of about a 1 acre plot of land being restored into a wetland as part of a mitigation project by the University of Delaware. Currently, the University has been spraying the triangular plot of land in attempt to eliminate an invasive species of reed canary grass that is growing persistently at the site. This is also the first site that me and Bonnie sampled at this summer.

Pictured above is intern and good friend Bonnie McDevitt. Bonnie is collecting aquatic invertebrate samples at the different wetland sites and comparing their variety and biomass to determine which sites have been the most successful at sustaining life. As part of summer research project, Delaware Water Resource Center interns like Bonnie and myself have taken on different jobs involving the wetlands restoration project at the College of Agriculture.

This is another picture of the restored site that me and Bonnie sampled at first. The stream and bank had a significant amount of vegetation, but many invasive species. There was not too must insect species diversity either, signifying that more restoration efforts must be made so that other life can live sustainably in this area.

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